All Praise is due to Allah Azzawajal, Salutations upon His most Perfect, unique, and cream of creations, the Intercessor of the Sinners, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah…
One should realize that the prohibition of picture making is EXTREMELY SEVERE. It is counted among the enormities, and there are strict warnings against…
All quotes are with references, with page numbers of books by Maudoodi. According to Maudoodi, the Sun-Worshipers, Stone-Worshipers etc. are on the right path…
We are sharing this brief note extracted from “Fadl al-Ilm wa al-Ulama”, the Blessed book by Aarife-Billah, ash-Shaykh al-Imam Naqi Ali al-Qadiri Radi Allahu Ta’ala…
Monotheism or Polytheism? (Tawheed or Shirk?) Glossary Tawheed: Belief in One God, Monotheism. Shirk: Associating partners with God, Polytheism. Aalim: Islamic Scholar, (pl: Ulema,…
By: Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi Translated by: S.G.Khawajah DEDICATION: To every true lover of the Mercy unto the Worlds, The Light Personified, The Elevated…
الحمد للّٰه الذي نورعيون المسلمين بنورعين اعيان المرسلين، والصّلاة والسلام علي نورالعيون سرورالقلب المحزون محمد نالرفيع ذكره في الصلاة والاذان، والجيب اسمه عند اھل…
By : Allamah Kaukab Noorani OkarviTranslated by : Saiyyid Ghulam Khawajah Mu’min Banda Parwur Digaaram Ummat Ahmad Nabee Dost Daar Chaar Yaaram Taab ‘e…
GlossaryChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10GlossaryFor easier comprehension, please read and understand the meanings of the following words, which…